Another major disaster occurred in Corona! Scientists discovered BLACK HOLE near EARTH

Astronomers have discovered a black hole closest to the Earth.  This black hall is located about 1000 light years away from the earth.  This black hall system is named HR 6819.  The name of its constellation is Telescopium.

"If you look at a black hole with a telescope, it will look like a bright star in the telescope. But there are two stars that are moving around each other. When scientists find out why they are rotating so fast. Then they saw a black hole between the two.

Dietrich Bade, scientist at the European Southern Observatory, said that this black hole is four times larger than the size of our sun. It is the closest discovered black hole to the Earth. Only two stars are circling around this black hole

Dietrich Bade explained that this black hole is also moving very fast. Its speed is 60 kilometers per second and it weighs five times more than the weight of our sun. The most dangerous thing is that for the first time we have found a black hole in complete darkness.

Dietrich reports that it is completely invisible. We have a feeling of its existence from the stars moving around it. This is called the hyracryl triple system. The specialty of this black hole is that it is completely black. That is black.

Usually only two dozen of the black holes found in our galaxy are seen shining. Bade said that if you want to see it, then you have to go to the southernmost part of South America and look through the telescope.

 The report of this black hole appeared in the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. This black hole has been discovered by the European Southern Observatory, La Silla Observatory in Chile, through telescopes, ie from here we can see the BLACK HOLE 🕳.

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